Resources about gardening, plants, weeds and animals, plus games and tools for teachers.
Ants are incredible creatures that play a major role in our ecosystems, download the teacher information pack.
Ants are amazing! Use this chart to find out more about our local ant species and how to identify them.
A fun way to learn more about our local ant species and extend your play and learn about our amazing local wildlife.
Learn how to sample creatures in the field to deepen learning about aquatic environments and the impact of pollution.
This chart is designed to help older students & adults identify many of the invertebrates found in Adelaide’s waterways
This chart is designed to help young people identify some of the more common water bugs found in Adelaide’s waterways.
Water bugs have evolved incredible strategies to survive in our waterways.
This teacher information pack gives background information, activities, and ideas to engage students with wetland.
What’s that pink bird with grey wings or green with red eye stripes? Use this chart to identify common urban birds.
Use this chart to find out more about our local wetland birds and how to identify them.
Use this chart to identify many of the birds found throughout the Adelaide Hills.
What’s the difference between a Musk Lorikeet and a Purple-crowned Lorikeet? Find out with this identification chart.
Play this fun game of bingo and challenge yourself to label as many common urban birds as you can.
Use these cards to play some fun games that will help you to learn about our amazing local birdlife
Butterflies come in a wide range of colours and sizes, but do you know how to tell one from another?
Combine these cards & the Aquatic macroinvertebrate or Common Urban & Bushland Birds playing cards to extend play
Everything you need to know about creating a butterfly garden
Information and activities about catchments, stormwater, pollution and how changing land use impacts on catchment health
Use this chart to identify the freshwater fish around Adelaide & recognise which ones are native & which are pests
Freshwater habitats can be divided up into discrete zones which are used by different creatures.
Use this chart to identify some of the more common items found on Adelaide’s beaches.
Play this fun game of bingo and challenge yourself to label as many items commonly found at the beach, as you can
Information about many aspects of a frog’s life and details many of the varied ways they cope with life on this planet.
Use this chart to find out more about our local frog species and how to identify them.
Combine with the Aquatic macroinvertebrate or Common Urban & Bushland Birds playing cards to extend your play
A guide for everything you need to know about creating and maintaining a frog pond
Fungi play important roles in all ecosystems. Use this chart to identify more common fungi found around Adelaide.
The riparian zone is the area of land alongside waterways. Find out how you can assess the health of riparian habitat.
Native orchids are a very important part of our environment and there are over 250 described species in South Australia
This fact sheet is a step by step guide to planting local native plants
Identify native plants of the Adelaide plains.
Play this fun game of bingo and challenge yourself to label as many native plants as you can.
A guide to providing habitat for birds and other animals in your school and local area