Urban Greening Strategy for Metro Adelaide

How was it developed?

Adelaide first metro-wide Urban Greening Strategy was developed through 3 stages of extensive consultation with stakeholders and the wider community.

Stage 3 – Public consultation on the draft

Public consultation was open between 30 April and 28 June 2024.

We received outstanding interest from the metropolitan Adelaide community on the draft. Consultation showed a 96% support rate from respondents to create a greener city.

Browse the draft strategy at the YourSAy website including a copy of the Consultation Report and the background papers that informed the strategy.

Stage 2 – Developing the strategy together

We carried out workshops with a range of urban greening stakeholders to help develop the strategy and determine how best to work together to implement it.

This engagement process was overseen by a Government Leadership Group of senior representatives from the Local Government Association (LGA) as well as government agencies including Department for Infrastructure and Transport, Renewal SA, Department for Housing and Development, Department for Education, Department for Health and Wellbeing, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Infrastructure SA, Preventive Health SA and SA Water.

Cross-sector technical working groups were also set up to provide expertise on the topics of urban biodiversity, urban heat, tree canopy, policy and green open space to inform the strategy.

Read the Discussion Paper (PDF | 5.01MB), Greening Adelaide Leaders Event and Summit Report (PDF | 3MB ) and Development Sector Round Table Report (PDF | 1 MB) on the outcomes of the phase on consultation.

Leadership breakfast held in 2024

Stage 1 – Scoping and early engagement

We delivered a literature review, practitioner survey and early stakeholder engagement to better understand who is working on urban greening in metro Adelaide, what they are doing, the critical gaps and what kind of strategy would work best.

For further details, download the Stage 1: Scoping and Early Engagement Summary Report (PDF | 2.73 MB).