On Wednesday 21 July from 6:30pm you can tune-in to 'Adelaide’s Green Movement: Actions Creating a National Park City' on Green Adelaide's YouTube to learn about what Adelaide is doing to become a National Park City.
Adelaide is on-track to be the world's second National Park City and people are taking action every day to make the city greener, their lives more sustainable, and promote connection with nature.
The documentary will showcase a range of green leaders, from individuals to community groups, businesses to NGOs and government, to demonstrate what’s happening that makes Adelaide an ideal National Park City.
The doco forms part of the global online National Park City Week 2021 event held by the National Park City Foundation, in partnership with World Urban Parks and Salzburg Global Seminar. National Park City Week is an opportunity to:
Browse and register for other National Park City Week events at: nationalparkcity.org/events
Register to watch Adelaide’s Green Movement: Actions Creating a National Park City doco for a reminder to tune-in.
A National Park City is a shared vision and journey for a better life. Everyone in a National Park City is able to benefit and contribute everyday.
National Park City Week marks the second anniversary of the launch of the Universal Charter for National Park Cities and the launch of the London National Park City.
You can pledge your support for Adelaide to be a National Park City at adelaidenationalparkcity.org