Don’t write off your idea to help improve your neighbourhood. We’ve got your back, with our Grassroots Grants program opening soon for 2024.
Our annual Grassroots Grants program provides recipients with grants of between $2,000 and $150,000 for projects that will improve metropolitan SA’s environment.
Check out these successful Grassroots Grants projects that are really coming to life – with pro tips to inspire your future applications:
Blair Athol North B-6 School successfully applied for funding for a triple-whammy enviro project, creating a raingarden that offers several environmental benefits.
Not only is their new raingarden a great outdoor space for students and the community to learn about water catchments, but it’s also used as a water-efficient way to keep a garden, and helps retain and clean up rainwater before it enters our waterways.
Our Grassroots Grants funded the school to redesign their stormwater system that is helping to slow down and filter water – while teaching the students about rainwater, native plants and animals, bush tucker, bush medicine and water quality.
Pro tip: Landscaping isn’t off-limits, as long as it’s for cooling and greening.
Alan Young from the Adelaide Sailing Club and his fellow members have been doing a colossal amount of work to revitalise Lot 101, some 660m of coastline next to their site at West Beach. Over the years, they’ve successfully gained a few Grassroots Grants to fund weed control, native planting and other land management tasks at different stages of the project.
Working in partnership with SA Water and City of West Torrens, hundreds of volunteers have contributed to weed control and the reintroduction of native species, with 12,000 native species planted and counting.
Oh, and it’s got recognition. Alan Young was recognised for the work of Lot 101 by being named as a finalist for a Jill Hudson Award for Environmental Protection at last year’s SA Environment Awards.
Pro tip: It doesn’t have to be at phase 1. A Grassroots Grant could fund the next stage of your eligible project.
The Whale and Dolphin Conservation group have been working with Patawalonga Dolphin Volunteers and others on establishing the new Patawalonga Dolphin Trail to encourage dolphin-friendly activity on and around the Patawalonga Lake (the Pat).
Our Grassroots Grant funded an interpretive trail to help educate locals and visitors about the dolphins and other wildlife that visit this special area.
The self-guided trail has several new signage stations, strategically located around the 3.6 km circuit of the Pat. You can follow the trail and use the signs to learn more about dolphin behaviour.
The Pat is the stomping ground of a dolphin named June, who is present in the lake for about half of the year. June sometimes brings his mates, drawing the attention of curious onlookers by sneaking into the lock when boats enter to access the lake.
Pro tip: Map out and design your idea to set your application for funding apart.
Want to apply for a Grassroots Grant?
Round 5 of our Grassroots Grants is opening for applications in March 2024. In the meantime, head to our grants webpage to read more and subscribe to our newsletter or our social media channels so you’re the first to know when the grants open.