Know a young environmental champion who should have their ideas heard? Here’s why they must apply for our Youth Environment Council this year.

Youth Environment Council SA members helping each other and collaborating on their work during the 2024 sustainability camp.

Green Adelaide’s Youth Environment Council (YEC) program is now open for applications from young people aged between 11 and 17 years old across South Australia.

It's a yearly program targeted at teens and pre-teens to boost their environmental knowledge and leadership skills through a fun camp, workshops, online forums and the delivery of an end-of-year environmental project.

Participants choose a wide range of environmental actions to focus on in the program. Some of these have included:

  • creating food and wildlife gardens in schools
  • setting up and maintaining recycling stations
  • fundraising for environmental and community organisations
  • researching and revegetating habitat for local threatened species
  • comparing the growth of native and non-native vegetables
  • creating their own products our of beeswax wrap.

Sound interesting? Read on to see what the program entails and how to get involved this year.

What are the benefits of the program?

  • going on fun and activity-packed events at 3 top nature spots in South Australia – including a 2-night camp.
  • meeting like-minded people and sharing your passion for the environment and sustainability.
  • developing your leadership skills – through team building and public speaking – with direct access to expert support.
  • feeling confident and empowered to take action for the SA’s environment.
  • becoming an SA environmental champion – personally or professionally. Many of the program’s past participants have gone on to deliver on-ground environmental projects and have a voice in important discussions, as well as becoming teachers, scientists and youth-workers.

What's involved?

The year-long program includes 3 key events with additional regular (and some optional) online discussion forums and catch-ups to support the delivery of your end-of-year project.

1. Welcome Day

The first event of the year is a Welcome Day. Members enjoy being in nature, sharing their experiences and learning from mentors about projects that create positive environmental change.

2. Leadership Camp

The annual YEC Leadership Camp takes place in the Adelaide Hills.

Members build their leadership skills and environmental knowledge, link their learning to real-world practice, and develop plans for their own environmental projects that they will focus on for the remainder of the year.

3. Connecting across regions

For 6 months, YEC members work hard to research their ideas for change and turn them into action. Monthly online meetings keep members connected to give updates on their projects, provide advice to each other and hear from guest speakers.

4. Leadership skills in action

Members are offered additional leadership opportunities over the year. In previous years this has included contributing to a YEC submission for an SA Water consultation on investment and management of water resources, presenting to the City of Burnside Youth Forum, sharing projects at Green Adelaide events, and attending the Power Shift conference in Brisbane with young people from around Australia – including a past YEC member who helped organize the conference.

5. Projects showcased at celebration forum

The final event of the year is a sharing and celebration forum.

Activities in previous years have included nature journaling, a botanical treasure hunt, making seed bombs to investigate bird behaviour, learning about and trying Aboriginal art, and hearing about the personal journeys of past YEC members – some that dated back to the late 1990s.

The day closes with a showcase of the members’ individual and group projects to their peers, family members, school staff and VIPs. Here are just a few of the previous inspiring projects in more detail:

  • Charlotte and her mentor Naomi created 2 huge murals on water tanks at the Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary, depicting the 6 ecosystems and more than 40 native species found within the sanctuary. A group of children on an art camp contributed by painting the base coats, making it an even more special landmark.

    Kangaroo sitting in front of wildlife mural on rain tank with kangaroo in the painting, as young woman Charlotte continues to paint the mural.
    A curious kangaroo looking at a painting of himself in the rain tank mural Charlotte is painting.
  • Archer set up a recycling station at school with a set of drawers to collect household items. The recycling station takes bread tags, oral care packaging, alfoil, packaging, and office supplies. He promoted the initiative in his school newsletter.
    School drawer set in a classroom. Plastic drawers are labelled for different recycling items collected using colourful paper.
    Archer's smart recycling station.
  • Ruby created a water-efficient edible garden at her school after researching water-wise plants, sharing ideas and fundraising. Ruby held a casual clothes day fundraiser that raised $102.40 toward the project, and gave advice to other YEC members on their plant selection.
    Close up photo of herbs growing in the ground.
    This is a stock photo, but we're sure Ruby's garden looked much better.

How to apply

Applications are open now to South Australian students in year 7-11 who can get permission from a parent or guardian, be endorsed by a teacher or principal, and uphold the expectations of being a YEC member.

To apply, you need to:

  • be a South Australian school student aged between 11 and 17 years old
  • get permission from a parent/guardian to participate
  • get endorsement from a teacher or principal to represent your school
  • read and agree to the Youth Environment Council’s expectations of its participants.

Want to build leadership skills with a fun environmental project? Don’t wait! Find out more and apply on the YEC SA application page.

This story was originally published on 13/1/2023, and has been updated.

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