Seven rare native plants have been re-introduced to metropolitan Adelaide in a project to improve urban biodiversity.

Bush For Life volunteers have facilitated the planting of 7 rare species across 20 urban sites

Green Adelaide, Trees For Life and the SA Seed Conservation Centre partnered to deliver a unique rewilding project, which re-established 7 rare plant species at more than 20 sites across 7 of Adelaide's metropolitan council areas.

Golden billy buttons (Pycnosorus chrysanthes) are critically endangered in South Australia

Green Adelaide Ecologist Jason van Weenen said that the rare plants, including the tall daisy and golden billy button, needed help to improve their chances of survival locally.

"We worked closely with Trees For Life to propagate rare and locally extinct plants, and this project saw these unique plants re-introduced to metropolitan Adelaide's environment," Mr van Weenan said.

"The 7 species had largely disappeared from around metropolitan Adelaide since European settlement due to land management changes, disturbance and weeds.

"Through this project, we are hoping to learn more about the conditions and management needed to keep these species persisting in the landscape."

Bush For Life Volunteers re-establishing rare plant species at Mt Osmond – City of Burnside

Bush For Life Manager Amelia Hurren said Trees For Life provided the people power for the planting days.

"Our volunteers are traditionally involved with the care of bushland areas across the sites identified for this project," said Ms Hurren.

"It is thanks to their efforts in removing weeds over years of care for the land that these locations were viable for the re-introduction of these rare species.

"We've worked with the SA Seed Conservation Centre at the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium on the selection of species for these sites, the sourcing of the limited seed, and preparing it for the best chance of germination.

"Their advice around propagation and planting design helped our volunteers on the planting days across June and July," said Ms Hurren.

Seedlings were propagated thanks to the SA Seed Conservation Centre

SA Seed Conservation Centre botanist Dan Duval said this was an important step in helping to boost biodiversity across metropolitan Adelaide.

"The plants we've selected were once widespread across the Adelaide region.

"Bringing them back and helping these plant populations to thrive will have the knock on benefit of supporting native wildlife and helping our ecosystems to be richer and more resilient," said Mr Duval.

The project will be key in learning more about the growing conditions for a range of rare plants and could help get these species into more areas around Adelaide.

Are you interested in greening efforts around Adelaide? Discover more initiatives from our Urban Greening Strategy.

What was planted?

Scientific name

Common name


Brachyscome diversifolia

Tall Daisy


Swainsona behriana

Southern Swainson-pea


Podolepis jaceoides

Showy Copper Wire Daisy


Pycnosorus chrysanthes

Golden Billy Buttons

Critically Endangered

Dianella longifolia grandis

Arching Flax Lily


Cullen parvum

Small Scurf-pea


Glycine latrobeana

Clover Glycine


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