Get involved in Green Adelaide’s vision to create a cooler, greener, wilder and climate-resilient metropolitan Adelaide at our community forum on Wednesday, 7 April.

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Ask anyone what they love about Adelaide. You’ll hear a lot about the clean coast, majestic gum trees, blue sky, rolling hills and cheeky critters that live here. But like everywhere, Adelaide’s nature is under pressure. We can all do something about this. Many of us already are.

Join Green Adelaide’s first community forum for an evening of wonder and insights. At the forum you can:

  • explore the vision
  • learn about Green Adelaide’s draft five year plan
  • explore possibilities, and
  • decide how to play your role.

The forum is part of a wider consultation on Green Adelaide’s five year plan which closes on 20 April 2021.

Event details

Date: Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Location: Sanctuary, Adelaide Zoo, off Plane Tree Drive, Adelaide

Time: Arrive at 5.45 pm for a 6 pm start

Registration required. Register at Eventbrite.

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