South Australia is making an historic push to have Adelaide become the world’s next National Park City, a move which coincided with World Environment Day on 5 June. Read all about it.

A National Park City is a new notion. It’s about creating a more liveable metropolitan area that brings social, economic and environment benefits. A focused community effort through a better connection between nature and people.

Adelaide being recognised as a National Park City would acknowledge the unique liveability of our city, our proximity to nature and the important role the environment has in our everyday lives.

It’s a term used by the UK, with London being named the first National Park City in 2019. Greater London has nearly 50 per cent green cover making it one of the world’s most vegetated cities.

In Greater Adelaide, we have a strong history of parks and open spaces with our Botanic Gardens, Cleland Wildlife Park, Belair National Park and the recent creation of Glenthorne National Park in the southern suburbs. Metropolitan Adelaide is also blessed to be nestled amongst local parks, the River Torrens and numerous creeks – most of which are within walking distance from homes.

One of the first steps to become a National Park City is demonstrating people support to the international National Park City Foundation, so you are urged to show your support by signing the Universal National Park City Charter.

Green Adelaide Presiding Member Professor Chris Daniels said supporting an Adelaide National Park City is about people power to connect and look after the environment.

“Signing and sharing the Charter helps us gather and demonstrate support, a critical step in the process of becoming a National Park City,” Professor Daniels said.

“There is also lots of on-ground action everyone can do to support Adelaide National Park City, from greening your backyard, to caring for your local wetland and even by building eco-friendly houses that incorporate green walls and roofs.”

Find out more and sign the Adelaide Charter at

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