Frequently asked questions

Learn more about our Grassroots Grants program, how you can apply, and other frequently asked questions.

Learn more about our Grassroots Grants program, how you can apply, and other frequently asked questions.

Eligibility, how to apply and support

1. Who is eligible for a Green Adelaide Grassroots Grant?

Funding is available for projects that operate on a not-for-profit basis. Eligibility includes but is not limited to:

  • Volunteer groups
  • A school, university or other educational entity
  • An individual or partnership
  • Outdoor and recreational groups – e.g. sporting clubs, Scouts
  • Organisation/business – e.g. foundations, charities, private businesses etc.
  • Aboriginal business
  • Churches and religious institutions
  • Community groups

2. I am a landholder wanting a grant for a project on my property. Can I apply?

As an individual you are eligible to apply, however private landholders can only apply if the land is 2 hectares or greater in size. The land must also be covered by a ‘Land Management Plan’ or working towards one. It is essential that a copy of the plan is included within your application, or evidence that one is being developed.

However, for your application to be competitive, you may wish to consider how your project could benefit the broader community or provide opportunities for them to become involved.

Note: matching land manager cash contribution is required.

3. I run a commercial business. Can I apply?

Yes, as long as the project operates on a not-for-profit basis and meet one or more of the priorities in the Grassroots Grants Guidelines.

It will be looked on favourably for business applications to include cash contributions towards the project. It is also encouraged for businesses to work/partner with community groups/volunteer groups in delivery of projects.

4. I’m part of a sporting club. Can I apply?

Yes, as long as the project and activities are not-for-profit and meet one or more of the priorities in the Grassroots Grants Guidelines.

5. Who can I ask for help with my application?

For help starting your application read our Grassroots Grants Guidelines. Flick to page 9 of the Guidelines for a topic expert contact list to help with specific project ideas.

Sign up for our free Grant Writing Workshop held on 19 March at St Clair Recreation Centre (this will also be available online after the event).

If you have any further questions contact our grant team directly on (08) 7424 5760 or

6. What types of projects were successful last year?

Read our grant stories and the list of previous successful grants for ideas.

7. Can I apply for more than one grant in a round?

Yes, as long as the projects are separate and distinct, and you or your organisation has the capacity to deliver them.

8. Will I be able to get an extension for a late application?

No. Late applications will not be accepted.

9. How long is this grant round open?

Our Grassroots Grants Round 6 call for applications is open for 8 weeks from Wednesday 12 March and closes at 5pm on Wednesday, 7 May 2025.

Grassroots Grants are annual. If you are unable to get your project idea together in time, there’s always next round.

It’s a great idea to use the time in between the rounds to plan your project ideas and get approvals started.

10. What resources and information are available to help me?

On the Green Adelaide website there are several helpful resources/information available, including:

Other helpful resources/information:

11. How to choose a contractor

For some projects you may need to hire a contractor to undertake the works. It is vital that you select a competent contractor, regardless of the size/urgency of your project. When selecting contractors, you should consider the following:

  • Research suitable contractors – You may want to talk to your Local Council about suggested contractors.
  • Get multiple quotes – talk to several contractors and get written quotes from at least three. Look at building materials, work methods, timelines and other factors that may vary by contractor. Be cautious of estimates that are too high or too low
  • Hire local, licensed contractors where possible – local contractors are easier to contact if problems develop with the work in the future. Verify that the contractor possesses the necessary licenses, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Check their past work – how has their work turned out in the past? Do they specialise in the kind of work you want done? Research online reviews, testimonials and check references about the quality of their products, their workmanship and their customer service.

Application / organisation details

1. What is a legal entity?

A legal entity is an individual, company, or organisation that has legal rights and obligations.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Individuals (also known as natural persons).
  • Partnerships (comprising of two or more individuals).
  • Incorporated associations (operates in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 1985). They have a registered incorporation number and have Incorporation (or Inc) after their name.
  • Companies (as defined under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)). They have a unique Australian Company Number (ACN), are registered on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) register, and are represented by having Limited (Ltd), Proprietary Limited (Pty Ltd) or Proprietary (Pty) following their company name.
  • Trustees on behalf of a trust (e.g. John Smith as Trustee for the Smith Family Trust)
  • State Government Organisations with the legal entity being the relevant Minister (e.g. for public schools Minister of Education and Child Development)

2. What is not a legal entity?

  • An unincorporated association or group.
  • A trust (e.g. Smith Family Trust) however the trustees can be. The trustees may be individuals or companies.
  • Businesses/business names (the legal entity is the owner of the business).
  • Majority of private schools are incorporated or are companies allowing them to enter into grant agreements (e.g. usually administered by the “parent” body such as the Catholic Church Endowment Society Incorporated).

3. When would I need to have a grant sponsor?

If you are not a legal entity you will need a legal entity to sponsor your grant application.

This legal entity is legally responsible for receiving and managing grant funding and reporting. A sponsor must be a legal entity, examples include:

  • Local government
  • Friends of Parks and Nature SA
  • The Catholic Church Endowment Society Inc.

When submitting your application you’ll need to provide proof (e.g. sponsor letter) to confirm the organisations willingness to take on the role of sponsor.

Your grant sponsor can apply for funding to cover administration costs of up to 10%.

4. What is a 'Vendor creation form'?

This form is required to be uploaded to the application if you have not received funds from Green Adelaide before. The form should not take long to fill out, it is only one page. Only the ‘Payment Details’ section and the ‘EFT Bank Details’ section are required to be filled out

You can either print this document to fill out or you can fill it out within the document.

If you are sponsored, the sponsor organisation’s details need to be detailed in the form.

5. Why am I required to provide my bank details?

If your project is successful for funding through this grant program we will directly deposit the grant money into the designated bank account, ensuring a smooth and secure payment process.

Key points about why bank details are needed within the grant application:

  • Payment mechanism – the grant payment is disbursed electronically through bank transfers, requiring the recipient’s account information to process the payment accurately.
  • Fraud prevention – verifying bank details helps to prevent fraudulent claims and ensures the grant money reaches the intended recipient.
  • Administrative efficiency – Having all the necessary financial information upfront streamlines the grant disbursement process.

6. What is an Office Bearer and why am I required to provide this?

Within the application you are required to provide the contact details for two ‘office bearers’. These details are required if you are successful and will be who is directed to sign the grant agreement. Having these details upfront, helps to streamline the grant process.

The Principal Office Bearer is a person authorised to enter into contracts on behalf of the organisation. This could include a CEO, Executive Director, Chair, Board President, School Principal.

The Second Office Bearer could include a Vice President, Treasurer, Finance Officer, Vice Principal.

For sponsored projects, the office bearer details need to be those of the sponsor organisation.

Project activities

1. What activities / items are ineligible for funding?

  • Time spent preparing the grant application.
  • Activities causing or with the potential to cause environmental damage, either directly or indirectly e.g. the use / purchase of moss rocks.
  • Purchase of assets that could be considered for personal use – e.g. a car, fridge etc.
  • Components of projects that have no environmental benefit, such as, retaining walls, shelters etc.
  • Infrastructure – e.g. pergola, shed, bird cages/chicken coops, furniture.
  • Fire pits.
  • Nature Play equipment / assets, such as, playground equipment, mud kitchens, murals.
  • Vegetable gardens – not including bush tucker gardens
  • Irrigation will only be funded if it directly relates to ‘new’ plantings associated with this grant.
  • Stormwater management – not including raingardens
  • Training – including cultural training, which is an organisational responsibility.

For consideration

  • If purchasing wicking beds/containers you must justify their use. They will only be funded if there is no alternative to planting in the ground.
  • Research projects must demonstrate how delivery of the outcomes associated with the project will be implemented, i.e. include on-ground works.
  • Funding for advanced trees will be considered for ‘high use’ areas or for instant cooling benefits.
  • Moss rocks are ineligible for funding. Quarry rocks will be considered, must justify their use.

This list is not exhaustive, please see Application Guidelines for more information.

2. How to fill out page 4 of the Application Form – Activities and Outputs

The questions on this page are where you tell us what ‘activities’ you will be undertaking and what ‘outputs / targets’ you will be delivering.

Please see our step-by-step instructions on how to undertake this page of the application.

3. Do I have to plant local native species?

It is preferred that you plant locally sourced native plants in your project area.

Local native plants have a huge range of benefits. They:

  • are low maintenance
  • are drought tolerant
  • save you money and time
  • require minimal watering, conserving our water supplies
  • don’t need fertilisers or pesticides
  • provide habitat, food and shelter for local fauna such as birds, butterflies and small lizards
  • are adaptable for various landscaping styles, producing striking results
  • flower at different times so you can have a flowering garden all year round.

A list of native growers is available. Using local native plants is an easy and rewarding way to help look after our environment.

If you are unable to use local native plants for your proposed project it is important that you discuss your planting ideas with us beforehand.

5. What is tubestock?

Tubestock plants are those that have been grown in a small, square-shaped pot called a ‘tube’. The idea is that these plants are mature enough to be planted straight into the ground for conservation purposes.

Tubestock plants are smaller than plants in 150mm (or larger) pots when you purchase them, however there are a range of benefits to buying/planting tubestock over other sizes of plants including:

  • Buying in bulk- tubestock plants are much cheaper than other plants.
  • Adapt to the local environment – being smaller in size is an advantage of tubestock. They have small roots which have not yet acclimatised to any one soil type or condition. This is beneficial because the plant will get used to growing in its new environment much quicker than a larger plant will.
  • Ready to grow – Although they are smaller in size, tubestock plants are mature enough that they will quickly acclimatise to new environments, will quickly outgrow larger plants, and have much healthier root systems.

6. What is greening, and what is revegetation?

Greening is the conservation, restoration or creation of green infrastructure, including trees and vegetation in and around urban areas that benefit people and nature. Greening may include:

  • streetscapes and transport corridors – car parks, green roofs, street trees, verges, rain gardens, rail corridor plantings.
  • urban parks – local parks, sportsgrounds, community gardens.

Revegetation is the process of replanting vegetation for the purpose of rehabilitating or protecting degraded land. Revegetation may include planting of local native plants through tubestock planting and/or direct seeding.

5. What is Planting?

Planting is one the eligible activities you can undertake through this grant, and may include the following:

  • Planting in streetscapes/transport corridors – car parks, green roofs, street trees, verges, rain gardens, rail corridor plantings
  • Planting in urban parks – local parks, sportsgrounds, community gardens
  • Planting for the purpose of rehabilitating and protecting degraded land – native plants in national parks, dunes, private land.

6. Can I apply for training costs?

No, training is deemed an organisational responsibility and is not eligible for funding through the grant program.

Permits / Approvals

1. Is it mandatory to include outcomes for First Nations/Aboriginal people in my project?

It is not mandated for you to construct a First Nations aspect to your project.

If your project has a First Nations focus or outcome it must be genuine and early engagement with the relevant First Nations group is required – include documentation of this in your application.

You’ll need to factor in any costs associated with engaging First Nations in your proposed grant project.

2. Do I need any permits for my grant application?

This depends on the land where your project will take place. The best first step is to have a chat with the landholder about any permit requirements.

If a permit is required, this must be identified in the application with evidence of the approved permit or evidence that the relevant permit approval has been sought.

3. Do I need a Water Affecting Activity Permit?

You may need this permit if there is waterway in or around the proposed project area.

Read more about how to apply for a Water Affecting Activity Permit.

Project budget

1. Can I ask for 100% funding or do I have to match it?

You can ask for your project to be fully funded. It is preferable that volunteer hours or cash contributions are detailed in the application.

The only exception to this is that for private landholders applying matching cash contribution is required.

2. Can funding include the purchase of equipment to help me undertake the project?

Funding is not provided for the purchase of assets which become the sole property of an individual. You are encouraged to borrow or hire equipment.

Volunteer groups that are registered with Green Adelaide for volunteer support can apply for essential tools, equipment and materials through the ‘Core Needs’ program for up to $2,000 each financial year or until funding is exhausted. Please contact the Community Partnerships Team – for more information.

3. Can funding for a person’s time be included in an application?

Project management costs are only available for the delivery of the project and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The amount for a full-time equivalent (FTE) and/or hourly rate must be specified in your application.

4. Not registered for GST, what do I do?

Successful applicants or sponsors registered for GST will receive funding including GST, so should fill out the application’s budget table with GST exclusive amounts.

However, in the case where the applicant is a legal entity, but is not registered for GST, it is recommended that you include the total amount (GST inclusive) in the budget table (this should match quotes submitted from suppliers that include GST).

5. What can I include as Volunteer Hours

Volunteer hours in Australia are defined as ‘unpaid help willingly undertaken in the form of time, service or skills, to an organisation or group’. Volunteers may work for a variety of organisations, including, charities, schools, sporting clubs and churches.

  • No payment – volunteers are not paid for their work. This means that any teachers involved in a Grassroots Grant project can only count volunteer hours that are outside of normal work hours.
  • Student time during school hours is not included
  • Time private landholders spend on a project is not counted as volunteer hours

Supporting documentation

1. Why do I need to upload ‘supporting documents’?

Providing strong supporting documentation bolsters your grant application and provides the assessment panel with additional evidence of your project’s merit. One of the most common reasons an application is not funded is due to a lack of supporting evidence.

Key supporting documents:

  • Quotes and cost estimates
    • These are a mandatory requirement for all applications.
    • Quotes must include the supplier details, the item description and the amount.
    • Quotes are used as evidence that the amount requested is accurate and a realistic expense.
  • Photos of project site/map of project site
    • For projects undertaking on-ground works, photos are incredibly helpful for the assessment panel to visualise the site and the problem you are solving.
    • A map showing the location of the project is also very helpful. Particularly if you are undertaking a project within a large site, e.g. a National Park or school.
  • Site drawing/design – this can be very basic, but just helps us to see what you are planning to do. Make sure to include some measurements and existing features (large trees, pathways etc.)

2. Extra information required for projects over $50,000

If your project is applying for funding over $50,000 the following mandatory information is required:

  • Project brief – can include plans, images, concept designs, specification, timeline etc.
  • Detailed risk management plan
  • Timeline of delivery

3. What details should be included in a risk management plan?

Your grant application risk management plan should identify potential risks to the project, estimates the impact and the probability of them happening and then define mitigation tactics and outcomes.

Your risk management plan may include different types of risks such as financial risk, procurement risk, WH&S risk for on-ground activities and ICT risk to name a few.

It’s important to remember that risks aren’t all bad. A risk is a moment of uncertainty. They exist in some form in everything we do. The purpose of the risk management plan is to flesh them out and troubleshoot them.

4. What is required in a project brief?

A project brief is required to be uploaded to your application for projects greater than $50,000.

The key requirements of this document are as following:

  • Description of the project - can expand on what is outlined in the application.
  • Aims – what you are hoping to achieve with this project, e.g. eradication of olives from a 20 hectare area, greening of school through planting of 200 trees.
  • Timeline of delivery – this can be quite broad, e.g. planting in Autumn 2025.
  • Photos of site the work will be undertaken at.
  • Drawing/design – for greening projects or projects undertaking on-ground works, e.g. installing a raingarden.

Next steps

1. When will I find out if I’ve been successful?

Applicants will be notified in August/September 2025

2. When will I get paid my successful grant funding?

Projects requesting funds of up to $20,000 will be paid 100% upfront

Projects requesting funding over $20,000 (may include multiple year projects e.g. 3 years) will be paid in instalments. Instalments will be based on milestones and subject to satisfactory reporting as agreed to by the applicant and Green Adelaide.

3. When do I need to start my project?

If successful, you are required to commence your project on signing of the grant agreement.

If you don’t think you will have the ability to commence soon after signing it may be worth considering applying in the next round.

4. What reporting is required after I receive my grant?

6 monthly reporting is required as agreed to by the applicant and Green Adelaide. A final report is required to be submitted at the project end date. It is important that this final report includes the following:

  • Photographs and/or videos of activities and outcomes (e.g. before, progress and after photos)
  • Contractor report (if applicable)
  • Key outputs – e.g. number of plants planted, number of species planted, number of events held etc.
  • Budget table – filled out with expenditure and attached receipts/invoices

5. What happens if I’m not successful?

If your application is not successful, you’ll receive an email outlining this from us. This email will contain contact details to seek feedback.

It is highly recommended that you contact us for feedback. As Grassroots Grants are an annual grant call you may be able to apply again using the same project idea, but taking on the feedback from the assessment panel.

We want to work with you to make your project idea a success!