Environmental Volunteering

My group needs volunteer support

We provide environmental volunteer group support around:

Help with your group’s core needs

We provide access to things that your group might need like personal protective equipment (PPE), first aid kits, gardening gloves and hand tools.

Work, health and safety (WHS) measures are usually provided through your land manager like councils and the Department for Environment and Water. We can help guide you through adopting these measures, as well as any COVID-19 requirements.

Connect your group with funding opportunities

We will keep you in the loop on key funding opportunities like our Grassroots Grants program, as well as National Parks and Wildlife Service Friends of Parks Grant program, Coast Protection Board Grants and other volunteering (e.g. Volunteering SA and Volunteering Australia) and council grant programs.

Provide your group access to insurance

It is important when volunteering to know that somebody’s got your back when things go wrong.

If your land manager can’t provide you with personal injury or public liability insurance we can help.

Upskill and refresh your group’s skillset

We offer free training and networking sessions to help build capacity of volunteer groups to deliver safe and best practice conservation.

We run training sessions across bird identification, bush care, first aid, Aboriginal cultural awareness and more. We’re also open to training suggestions from you.

Easy access to technical advice and resources

We provide a range of advice and resources about land management and conservation. This includes identifying and controlling weeds, native plant advice, gardening help, help selecting the right plants, and wildlife identification and conservation tips.

We can also help your group connect with Aboriginal people in the community for decision making, cultural awareness training, and for opportunities to engage Aboriginal businesses in employment. We can offer advice in areas such as Acknowledging Country, traditional uses of plants, and to demystify Aboriginal Heritage legislation.

Register your group for support

To register your environmental group for volunteer support from us, simply fill out our registration form.

A member of the our team will be in touch with you within 7 days to discuss your volunteer support needs.

Resources for volunteer groups

Find all of these and more in Resources.