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Feral Deer
Deer are becoming an increasing concern in urban environments around Adelaide. Feral deer are a particular issue in the northern metropolitan area, as well as the eastern foothills and southern parts of Greater Adelaide.
Under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, landholders are responsible for managing feral deer on their properties. A statewide program has been announced to support deer management and eradication. While deer populations are out of control in some areas of Australia, here in SA there is a unique opportunity to remove them before it is too late.
We are collaborating with neighbouring landscape boards to deliver the Greater Adelaide Peri-Urban Feral Deer Eradication Plan. This plan focuses on the eradication of feral deer from the Greater Adelaide Peri-Urban Zone by 2032, through collaboration in management efforts across diverse properties, communities and land uses. If you are observing feral deer or experiencing feral deer impacts on your property, or are concerned about their impact on the landscape, you can register your interest to be involved in the program.