We welcome requests from external organisations for sponsorships of events, initiatives and programs.
For us to consider sponsoring an activity, it must provide us at Green Adelaide with opportunities to promote our business and brand to new and diverse audiences, network with key stakeholders and better align with likeminded organisations.
Seeking a sponsorship from us requires an organisation to complete a sponsorship request form* that clearly defines the marketing value that your organisation can offer us and any other associated benefits for our organisation.
If you are unsure whether your request has significant marketing value, contact our Team Leader of Communication Melissa Martin for more information.
Note: in order to fill out the form, you will be asked to set up an account. Details on how to do so are provided at the link.
We will next be assessing sponsorship requests in March 2025. If you are seeking a sponsorship, please note that your request will not be considered and assessed until then.
If your request is successful, we require a minimum of 6 weeks prior to your event or initiative to administer the sponsorship. Please bear these timeframes in mind when making a submission.
Any sponsorship requests submitted after 1 March will be assessed in June.
Note: Sponsorship requests must be submitted via the link above or the button below.
Are you seeking funding to deliver an environmental project or program? Or would you like us to partner with your organisation? Visit our grants webpage.